Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 93 of bed rest (modified)... 28 weeks 5 days pregnant

Time is flying... already into the third trimester and only have 12 weeks to go! WOW!!

I had a very busy weekend for a gal on modified bed rest. Friday we moved completely out of our house in Henderson (it's under contract- please keep a close closing date in your prayers!) I also went to the chiropractor and had a meeting with my Junior League committee. Then Saturday was a big day!! Went to the Rockin River City Ride in the morning. My Junior League committee had a booth in the Kids Zone. My sister hosted a baby shower for me Saturday afternoon that was so fun! And Saturday night we went to Guns & Hoses with Stacey and James. With all that excitement, we didn't stay for all the fights but the ones we did see were great! Congrats to The Hoses :)

 We got great news at the doctor on Monday. The clot is gone, baby boy is in the 59th percentile for size, and we have been released by Dr. Turnquest! That means I'm back to being Dr. Reisinger's (reg OB) patient. I'm still on modified bed rest. But this third trimester is looking good :) I even get to go to Oaks & Derby! Can't wait!!!
Feeling very thankful for prayers answered! Special thanks to all of you!!

1 comment:

  1. Holly, you have an amazing story! I so hope everything is still going well with you and your baby boy. I was searching for women going thru prenancy right now and found your blog and your website. I've been on hospital bed rest for 3.5 wks now. You give me lots of inspiration to keep going to have the healthiest baby possible. Sending blessings your way!
